GTA Stars & Stripes Mod For GTA San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: Stars & Stripes

(GTA: S&S) is an ambitious collaborative modification for GTA San Andreas.
Not only it is a total conversion, we also convert the impossible into the possible.
The main focus of a project is to bring the entire USA map into the game, while keeping the artistic style of the original San Andreas map as accurate as possible.
we of course bring you new exciting vehicles, weapons, properties to buy, interiors, side missions…. and perhaps even a storyline.

Northern Bone County
Grape Hills
Rose City
West Cheyenne
Santa Perraloca

Custom S&S intro
New gang areas*
Restored health pickups across SA from beta version
Functional car wash
2 player mode fully restored
Custom vehicles*
New properties to buy*

You can access the mod from here

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